Become a Yoga instructor at Sportcentrum VU

During the Yoga Teacher Training you will learn in 300 hours all the basics

Not only of vinyasa yoga but of many yoga styles and transform into a yoga teacher. Deepen your own knowledge of yoga and improve your skills.


Yoga Teacher Training starts in October 2023, for a period of 9 months.

  • 1 weekend per month; Friday to Sunday
  • For exact dates; see below
people in Yoga Teacher Training


Yoga Teacher Training will be at Sportcentrum VU location Uilenstede.


The Yoga Teacher Training will cost € 2.200,-. For anyone who registers before August 31, 2023, we have an early bird discount of 10%. The course then amounts to € 1.980!


More information

  • The Yoga Teacher Training is for everyone, of all levels.
    For questions about the content of the training please contact Christelle by: mail 
  • For questions regarding registration, payment options etc you can contact: Jolanda Seijger
  • Payment in instalments is possible!
Yoga teacher training Sportcentrum VU Academy

Example what an average weekend looks like:

20:00 - 22:00: The foundation of yoga asanas, background information about yoga (history, philosophy, anatomy)

10:00 - 12:00: Workshop on subject: yoga asanas, methodology or yoga philosophy or yoga anatomy or sequencing
12:00 - 13:00: Lunch
13:00 - 15:30: Method of teaching
15:30 - 15:45: Break
15:45 - 17:30: Workshop on subject matter, teaching practice, group study presentation

10:15 - 11:45: Vinyasa class - meditation (part of the VU calendar)
12:00 - 13:00: Lunch
13:00 - 15:30: Way of teaching
15:30 - 15:45: Pause
15:45 - 17:30: Workshop teaching material, teaching practice, presentation group study

Register directly?

Mail to Jolanda Seijger.

Sign up

Experiences with the Yoga Teacher Training

At Sportcentrum VU we take sports very seriously, but we also put fun first. Therefore we find it very important that our students get the best out of themselves and go home with a satisfied feeling.

"A thorough training. You’ll learn everything you need to be a good yoga teacher from an amazing teacher herself. The classes are good, the practice is good, the teacher is good, the assignments are good. The theory is directly related to the practice of yoga. But it is hard work. Be ready to study and practice a lot and the hard work pays off well in the end. I have learned so much as a person, a teacher and yoga practitioner. Thank you Christelle for the great time!"

- Anna - Student Yoga Teacher Training

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