VU in Motion

Whats VU in Motion?

VU in Motion is the exercise/sport program for VU University employees. This program is made possible by the CvB, local unions and the Works Council and is organized by the VU sports center.

The program has been a huge success for more than 10 years!

You can visit the two locations, Uilenstede and at the VU Campus OZW building. Here you can work out, take group classes and count on professional guidance.

Subscription Sports Centre VU

To play unlimited sports at either of VU Sports Centre's locations from 1 January 2025, you will need a (new) subscription. We will charge 25 euros per year for this. Your current subscription will no longer be valid from 1 January 2025. What will you get for this:

  • 1 year of unlimited exercise (fitness and group classes)
  • A free intake for fitness
  • A free Sports Centre VU towel

What do you need to do to apply for the annual subscription?

Come to the front desk of one of the Sportcentrum VU locations for the registration as explained below:

  • If you do NOT have an account yet, create one before coming to the frontdesk, create your account through this link:
  • All employees must register (annually), this can be done by showing your employment details from: SuccessFactors.
    You can find this data via > Employee info > Personnel > View and change employment contract > Directly arrange it
  • You pay the 25 euros at the customer counter at one of the two sports locations.
  • You will then be given a towel on the spot. To make an appointment for a fitness intake, please call

Important to know:

  • ACTA and VUmc employees cannot claim the free VU in Motion program. This is because these organizations do not contribute to the VU benefits funds.
  • PhD students and post-docs who work at VU on the basis of a scholarship, or are paid through another institution, cannot claim the VU in Motion program. They can participate in the sports program at the student rate.
VU fit at work

Exercise advice

It is possible to have a customized exercise advice and/or a training schedule, so that you can exercise in a targeted manner. You will then undergo a fitness test, after which the professional sports instructors will give you advice. You can call one of our locations to make an appointment.

Running with the VU Running Club

For employees of the VU there is the VU Running Club. In addition to weekly training sessions from May through October, the VU Running Club allows you to participate in a number of running events. For more information, sign up for the mailing list. Just send Sunny, coordinator VU Running Club, a message.


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