Cycling at Sportcentrum VU

Cycling training: physically challenging and educational

It is good for your condition and you learn to ride a road bike safely and efficiently. The right attitude, the right gear, cornering technique, keeping each other out of the wind, bicycle maintenance, etc. You will also discover the most beautiful cycling routes around the city.

As of this season, cycling will be entirely provided by SKITS. For more information, visit the SKITS website.

More information

Cycling in Waterland

If you are not a student then you can participate in cycling training on Friday evenings in Waterland (19.00 - 21.00) starting April 21 2023. We gather next to the entrance Flevoparkbad, opposite Amsterdam Bridge.

The training will be provided by cycling trainer Kees de Vrij. For more info please contact: or call: 06 212 757 20. 

Wielrennen met Skits via Sportcentrum VU
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