Bootcamp at Sportcentrum VU

In the open air, Sportcentrum VU offers the group class bootcamp.

Classes are every week from Wednesday April 3, from 18.15 - 19.15. We gather at the entrance of the Sportcentrum VU Uilenstede. The bootcamp is outdoors in the immediate area around Uilenstede. We always start with a warming up to prepare body and muscles for a workout that is both challenging and fun. The class will be given until the end of June, 2024.

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For an hour, we move to new and sometimes surprising places around Uilenstede. Usually we run for just a few minutes, and then do exercises that improve both your endurance and strength. We make use of what we come across: stairs, benches, trees or a slope. And not unimportantly, it's also fun! The hard work is regularly alternated with a competition or an (active) game.

Don't be put off by rain or cold, we will always find a place where we can work in a dry and lit environment. Regardless of your sporting experience, you can join the class. The exercises are easy to adapt to any level. Our starting point is that you should have fun. Because of the variation in exercises and training forms, this is almost self-evident.

Bootcamp at Sportcentrum VU

What do you need?

We start from the entrance of Sportcentrum VU at Uilenstede. It is useful to bring a bottle of water. If it is colder, an extra sweater or vest helps to stay warm. A towel or mat is not necessary. It is also important to wear sports shoes that support your feet well.

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