A gentle but intensive class with the goal of improving core-stability
Pilates is designed to optimally strengthen your lower back, abdomen and pelvis and at the same time make them more flexible. Physical complaints are prevented and may even disappear by this concentrated and calm way of training. You become aware of your posture, movement technique and breathing. You will improve your figure and strengthen your muscles because each exercise is performed with focus and control. Your breathing is included in the movement so the class can have a relaxing effect. By participating regularly in pilates you will gain more and more control over your core. The conscious tightening of your pelvic floor, abdominal and back muscles gives you that, oh so important, control over your core.
Pilates lessons
The heart rate does not increase extremely and you do not get out of breath while performing the exercises. You work mainly on your own mat. Central to every Pilates class is the use of your powerhouse. A number of muscles form the powerhouse: including the 4 layers of abdominal muscles, the deeper back muscles and the pelvic floor muscle. This stabilizes the pelvis and spine. During these Pilates classes you will learn how to tighten and relax your powerhouse. The Pilates classes are 4 days a week in the studios in Amstelveen at Uilenstede.

What do i need?
The Pilates exercises are performed on a mat, you need to bring your own. During the Pilates class you do not wear sports shoes, but bare feet or socks. It is also advisable to bring a water bottle and a towel for sweating. Note: The use of a towel is mandatory at Sports Centre VU, in all group classes and in the fitness area.