Physical therapy
Within Health & Performance, Sportcentrum VU cooperates with independent entrepreneurs with expertise in a specific area
In the field of physiotherapy that is Fysiofysiek. You can find this physiotherapy practice at location Uilenstede and location VU Campus.
Do you have complaints that limit you in sports, work or daily activities? Do you want to know how to exercise responsibly? Is sports useful to prevent work related complaints? Do you think you need professional guidance to get rid of tennis elbow or rsi complaints?
At Fysiofysiek you can come to us for the treatment of various health related complaints. We can treat work related complaints, (sports) injuries and rehabilitation after surgery. Besides general physiotherapy Fysiofysiek also offers manual therapy and Dry Needling.
Fysiofysiek consists of a team of three physiotherapists: Sido Vleer, Jesse Balsem and Max Trentelman. Depending on the complaint, they look for the most appropriate therapy.

How we work
During the first treatment we will assess your complaints by means of an interview and physical examination. Depending on the symptoms, together we will determine whether physiotherapy is indicated and what would be the most appropriate therapy for treating the symptoms. At all locations the fitness and treatment rooms are ideal for customized physiotherapy. Fysiofysiek is accessible to everyone, not just students or employees of the VU.
Physiotherapy is directly accessible. This means that (for most insurers) it is no longer necessary to obtain a referral from the general practitioner. Whether the treatment process is fully or partially reimbursed by the health insurance depends on the way in which you are (additionally) insured. You can check this in your policy or ask your health insurance company.
For more information or to make an appointment, please contact:
06-1917 8595