Stretch and Flexibility at Sportcentrum VU

By popular demand, Sportcentrum VU offers Stretch & Flexibility

These are classes specifically aimed at developing and/or improving your flexibility and agility. Ideal for athletes, but also for non-athletes who have to do a lot of sitting or standing work.

During the class you work on the flexibility of shoulders, back, hips and legs. Stretching helps enormously in relaxing the muscles and prevents injuries, which are caused by e.g. stiffness or insufficient blood flow.

Everyone can follow these classes. Experience is not required.

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A class starts with a warming up focused on the body parts you will be stretching during the class. The various stretching exercises, in which you sometimes use attributes such as a yoga block, are done under the guidance of an experienced teacher. The attributes are available in the studio. You do need to bring your own mat and towel.

An additional afternoon of Stretch & Flexibility will be added to the schedule in the 2022-2023 season. Explore and push your limits!

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