Sportcouncil Studentensport Amsterdam (SSA) is the umbrella student sports organization in Amsterdam.

We are affiliated with the various university sports centers in Amsterdam.

As SSA we represent the interests of all sporting students in Amsterdam. We work closely with 30 different student sports associations and various other student sports providers. SSA also organizes its own events such as the well-known Amsterdam Student Sports Gala. Would you like to participate in national competitions? Then contact SSA for the Amsterdam delegations to the Batavierenrace and the Groot Nederlands Studentenkampioenschap.


We strive for a wide range of sports for students. In addition, the SSVU organizes participation in major (national) sporting events such as the Batavierenrace, Dutch Student Championships (NSKs) and the Great Dutch Student Championship (GNSK). Also on a smaller scale there are fun outings and activities that the SSVU organizes.

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